My Key Concepts
The purpose of this blog is to promote discussion of some ideas which I think will promote the development of first world churches, and through debate to improve those ideas. To follow the flow of my logic, read forward from the first entry; entries which form the cornerstones of my thought are flagged with "KEY--", and are listed below with a short summary of the key idea. Kindly share your suggestions and improvements with me, and I will adjust the contents accordingly. Thank you for your participation! (Direct email contact is also welcome.)

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Objectives of this Blog

I am convinced that mainline denominations, at least in Canada but likely in other countries as well, could do a much better job of supporting their congregations and promoting their growth in faithfulness and effectiveness than they presently do. The result would be much higher vitality for congregations (which can be measured along a variety of factors), significant improvements in the situation of judicatories (dioceses, presbyteries or regions), and, most importantly, more individuals touched by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and more communities benefiting from caring Christians.

To that end, I will be posting here a series of resources (links, articles, discussions) related to the issues which I think are essential to the successful development of judicatories and their congregations. I hope that this will contribute to the what we know about creating vibrant Christian communities; I offer it all to the glory of God, and invite reader comments and suggestions.

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